Policy consultation and practical coordination on labour migration

Multi stakeholder policy consultation and practical coordination on labour migration and mobility to provide advisory support to MS, AU and RECs decision makers.
- Roles of the AU Labour Migration Advisory Committee promoted. This output seeks to promote the role of AU Labour Migration Advisory Committee on labour migration governance across various partners at national, regional, and continental levels in Africa. To achieve this objective AUC is supported by IOM (through SIDA funding) to lead on the implementation of supporting Observation/Assessment Field visits of the Committee to MS, RECs and relevant AU Organs, facilitate field visit to other regions (Middle East, America, Europe, OIC Secretariat) to monitor the status of African migrant workers and promote international cooperation, and supporting cooperation with Pan African Parliament and ECOSOCC + African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) and covers all cost related to the implementation of these activities.
- Leverage the power of the social partners (workers’ and employers’ organizations) and other relevant civil society stakeholders to enhance the labour migration regulatory and policy systems at regional and national levels. This output seeks to promote the involvement of influential social partners through developing the capacities of social partners through trainings, consultations, communication materials, etc. to enhance the labour migration regulatory and policy systems at regional and national levels.